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Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
This is the website of Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington, Kentucky. Our address is 450 Park Place, Lexington KY 40511. You can reach district officials via our website or call the main receptionist at (859) 422-4100. For technical issues with our site, please alert the district webmaster.
We use various methods to gather information to help provide you with an enhanced browsing experience. Our web server does not automatically recognize any details about your domain or email address, ensuring your anonymity while browsing. We collect aggregate information about the pages our visitors access or visit, which grants us valuable insights into user interactions and preferences. This data plays a crucial role in improving the content and overall user experience on our website. We may also collect information that you willingly provide to us, such as survey responses and site registrations. This volunteered information helps us better understand your specific needs and allows us to pattern our services accordingly, ensuring a more personalized and satisfying experience for you.
We use the information we gather for various purposes. One key objective is to enhance the content and functionality of our website, providing visitors with a more pleasant and efficient user experience. Additionally, we may disclose your information in compliance with legal requirements or at the request of governmental authorities conducting investigations. This data may also be used to verify and enforce compliance with our website's policies and applicable laws, ensuring a secure and trustworthy online environment. Furthermore, your information serves as a crucial tool in protecting against misuse or unauthorized use of our website, safeguarding both our platform and our users' privacy.
We offer options for you to manage how we contact you. If you wish to avoid receiving emails from us, simply inform us via email, phone call, or written notice, and we will honor your request. Moreover, if you provide us with your postal address online, rest assured that we will only use it to send you the specific information for which you provided the address. Your communication choices are important to us, and we strive to ensure that you receive information from us in the manner that best suits your preferences.
We use cookies to enhance visitors' browsing experience and store their preferences. This helps us provide a more personalized and seamless interaction with our website. It's important to note that we do not partner with or maintain any special relationships with ad server companies. Our use of cookies is solely aimed at improving your overall experience on our site, and we prioritize your privacy by not engaging in ad server partnerships.